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Brief history
The contemporary health system requires a permanent improvement and modernization in order to meet the primary purpose of a civilized society – ensuring people’s healthcare. The health system we want to make as perfect as possible depends firstly on the training of highly qualified specialists. Changes that took place in the last decades have generated new demands, but also numerous opportunities to gain expertise based on European countries’ achievements in the area of postgraduate medical education through residency - an indispensable form of training for the professional development of medical specialists. For this reason, a high-quality postgraduate training system has been implemented by bringing local programs into alignment with the international standards in medical education.
- Year 2018
Pursuant to Senate Decision No. 10/12 of 29.08.2018 ”On the change of name of Faculty of Residency and Clinical Fellowships”, the name of the Faculty has been changed to Faculty of Residency starting from 01.09.2018 (Rector's Order No. 357-A of 04.09.2018).
In this context, with the support of ”Nicolae Testemitanu” University and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova, a new stage for completing the Nomenclature of country’s specialties has been initiated, an option reflected in Government Resolution No. 482 of 28.06.2017. According to Order of the RM Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection No. 589 of 14.05.2018 ”Regarding the amendment of the annex to Order No.175 P§2 of 23.12.2015”, the chapter concerning the duration of studies was essentially changed, being presented in a new wording. Thus, since 2018, the duration of residency studies has been increased to 4 years for most therapeutic profile specialties and to 5 years - for most surgical profile specialties. At the same time, for some specialties such as Allergology and Immunology, Dermatovenerology, Endocrinology, Hematology, Family Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Forensic Medicine, Sports Medicine, Neonatology, Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine, the duration remained the same as before – 3 years, while for Analytical Pharmacy, Clinical pharmacy, Community and Hospital Pharmacy, Industrial pharmaceutical Technology – 2 years.
From December 1, 2018, based on the amendments to the Law on Remuneration, the salary of resident doctors employed by healthcare institutions has been also significantly increased (Government Resolution No. 837 of 06.07.2016, for the approval of the Regulation on the Remuneration of Employees of Public Healthcare Institutions Under the System of Compulsory Medical Insurance”, with the subsequent modifications and completions).
Currently, over 1500 residents follow postgraduate residency programs in 58 specialties at ”Nicolae Testemitanu” University, in the educational process being involved around 70 didactic departments and university clinical bases.
- Year 2017
Given the international requirements for healthcare specialists training, it has been decided to pass from the training through clinical fellowships in certain superspecialties to residency programs. Based on the concept developed by the University, it was decided to implement the method of training specialists through residency in most specialties of the health system.
- Year 2015
Based on several requests and arguments of ”Nicolae Testemitanu” University administration, by Government Resolution No. 884 of 28.12 2015, essential changes have been implemented in the residency training area. The positions of resident doctor and university and institutional residency manager have been introduced, and the employment and remuneration of residents in public healthcare institutions has been regulated. At the same time, under the aegis of the Dean's Office, pursuant to international standards, the volume of medical care provided for each specialty, recommended for resident doctors assigned to curative institutions, was established. It became possible to promote the Residency as a priority form of postgraduate training and activity within the health system of the Republic of Moldova. Moreover, based on Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova No. 175, P§2, of 23.12.2015, ”On the approval of the Nomenclature of specialties for postgraduate training through residency studies”, the revised version of the Nomenclature of specialties came into force, which was valid until 2017.
- Year 2001
Since 2001, the Faculty together with ”Nicolae Testemitanu” University departments made multilateral methodical recommendations in all specialties with residency and clinical fellowship training. Residency postgraduate programs have been developed gradually. During this period, the syllabuses and the professional training standards with the Scale of Practical Skills for about 45 specialties through residency and 37 superspecialties through clinical fellowships have been approved.
At the beginning the duration of residency studies was 2-3 years, depending on the specialty, while since 2001 it has been extended to 4 years for surgical specialties and to 5 years - for neurosurgery. At the same time, performance of 6 month-internship in districts became an integral part of the residency program.
Another area of activity of the Dean's Office resides in the organization and improvement of the methodology for admission to residency as well as in the evaluation of skills obtained during the study process and at the end of program. Information technologies have been widely applied for this purpose, which enabled us to organize the admission to residency in a transparent way, by using computer programs to process data from the competition files. Since 2002, the License Exam has been held with the issuance of a License Diploma.
Regulations on residency admission and studies have been constantly revised. Based on the gained experience, in accordance with international requirements, in 2003 standard Regulations on Residency Training have been developed, to be evaluated every 3-5 years or in connection with legislative and training changes. At the same time, special attention was paid to determining the duration of residency studies in accordance with the requirements of Directive 2005/36 / EC of the European Parliament. Since 2005, the first proposals had been launched as regards the substantial modernization of the postgraduate training process through residency according to the European curriculum, a period that lasted approximately 10 years.
- Year 2000
With the increase in the number of specialties and residents, for the management of residency training it became necessary to set up the Faculty of Residency and Clinical Fellowships, which was founded by Order of ”Nicolae Testemitanu” University Rector of 01.11.2000. The faculty was led by Dean Valeriu Revenco, University Professor, Doctor Habilitated in medical sciences, and vice-deans: Liviu Grib, Associate Professor, Ph.D in medical sciences, Nicolae Bacinschi, Associate Professor, Ph.D in medical sciences, and Nicolae Proca, Associate Professor, Ph.D in medical sciences. Thus, the Republic of Moldova became the first country in the post-Soviet space, which implemented this advanced form of postgraduate training pursuant to international requirements for medical professional training.
Since 1999, the Computerized Program for coordinating the teaching activity, drawing up schedules and calculating the teaching workload has been implemented, which has allowed, since 2000, a more efficient management of the residency training process. In 1996, for the first time, the first international residents from Yemen, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Iraq, Sudan and other countries registered at the University.
- Year 1996
Starting from 1996, for the first time, medical centers of Bălti municipality and later those of Cahul, Orhei and Hincesti have also engaged in the residency training of doctors. Subsequently, internships in municipal and district medical institutions became part of the Postgraduate Residency Program. In the years 1996-1997, the number of registered residents constituted about 350 people per year, at the following specialties: Otorhinolaryngology, Psychiatry, Dermatovenerology, Pediatrics, Traditional Medicine, Pediatric Surgery, General Surgery, Oncology, Internal Diseases, Traumatology Orthopaedics, Pediatric Traumatology Orthopaedics, General Dentistry, Orthodontics, Neonatology, Ophthalmology, Neurology, Anesthesiology and Resuscitation, Environmental Hygiene, Child Hygiene, General Pharmacy, Drug Analysis and Microbiology.
In 1996, for the first time, the first international residents from Yemen, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Iraq, Sudan and other countries registered at the University.
- Year 1995
In October 1995, the Education Law is promulgated, stipulating in art. 28, para. 2, that postgraduate training through residency is mandatory. These three legislative acts constituted the basis for the implementation of postgraduate studies through residency and the training of medical specialists in accordance with international requirements. During that period, the number of residents practically tripled, from 61 (in 1992) to 178 (in 1995).
- Year 1991
Inspired by the reforms of international curricula in postgraduate medical education, in 1991 some heads of departments and the administration of ”Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, led by Rector Ion Ababii, university professor, Doctor Habilitated in medical sciences, academician of the ASM, put forward numerous requests and arguments. With the support of the Ministry of Health, it has been decided to begin residency training and enrol the first 30 residents, best university graduates, in 3 specialties: general surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, traumatology and orthopedics (2 groups for each specialty). University Professor Valeriu Revenco and Associate Professors Liviu Grib, E. Chiriac, B. Golia, Nicolae Bacinschi, and Nicolae Proca were appointed responsible for initiating the residency training process.
Residency, as a form of postgraduate training, was legislated in 1992, by the Resolution of the Board of the Ministry of Health, while the decision on its financing from the state budget was reached in 1994, according to the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Moldova No. 502 of 15.07.1994.